How to control what data you track (privacy settings)
With PastePixel you can take control on the data that you track. The different type of data that your pixel and URLs track are (What data can I track using PastePixel?):
- Date/times
- IP-addresses
- User-agents
- Optionally: custom data
From a privacy perspective, you don't want to track data that you do not need. That's why we've come up with privacy settings.
Adjusting your privacy settings
When you create a new mail tracking, you'll see the option "Privacy settings". When you press it, the following settings show up:

From these settings you can disable:
- IP-address tracking
- User-agent tracking
- Date & time tracking
These settings only apply to the mail tracking that you are creating and cannot be changes after creating it. Also do note that there is no way to retrieve the disabled data ever, since we don't store it on our servers at all.
Disabling each of the settings, affects the charts that show up on your mail tracking analysis page.
Disabled charts
When you disable IP-tracking, the "Location" panel will be hidden. We determine the location based on the IP-address of the person that got tracked, so we are unable to show locations then.

When you disable user-agent tracking, the "Devices" panel will be hidden. Because we determine the devices based on the user-agents, we cannot visualize them.

When you disabled date & time tracking, the "Times opened" and "Time of day" charts will be hidden. Naturally, these charts need the date/times in order to be rendered, which will then not be possible.

Viewing your settings
It is possible to view the mail tracking privacy settings after creating it. Go to the mail tracking page where you want to see the settings of. At the top right there is a dropdown button, if you press it, you'll see the "Information" option. After clicking "Information", you'll see a popup appear with your mail tracking privacy settings. Do note that you cannot change these.

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