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  3. Can I export my tracked data?

Can I export my tracked data?

All premium users can export their data to CSV (comma-separated values) files. There are two types of data that you can track:

  1. Tracking pixel data
  2. Tracked URLs data

Both types can be exported seperately. To do so, you go to the mail tracking page where you want to export the data from. On the top-right you will see a settings button. When you press this button, a drop-down menu will show up. Here you will see the options that you want: "Export pixel data" and "Export URL data".

Export tracked data

When you press these buttons, your CSV-file will be generated and downloaded. This may take some time.

Your tracking pixel export contains four columns: UTC DATE, IP-ADDRESS, USER-AGENT and CUSTOM DATA. Example:

Example CSV export of tracking pixel

The CSV-export files of your tracking urls contains one additional column: URL. This is the URL where the tracking URL directs to. Example:

Example CSV export of tracking URLs